
Showing posts from October, 2020

Creating website with wix

                 In today's class, we learned how to create a website using  Just after registration, I got to choose my template   Since I going to study literature I thought my website should be appropriate. I keyed in literary arts and a few moments later I had quite a few templates to chose from then I came across this  The first thing I did is change the name, I did this by pressing on a column with a name and choosing the 'edit text' option. Then I decided to change the menu bar on the top right corner. I chose one of the pre-set options. I also change the background of this column to a video of clouds moving. Later on, I did a few more adjustments, I change the main picture to mine, so people would know how i I look. I change the filter to black and white and adjusted brightness a little bit.   I change the filter to black and white and adjusted brightness a little bit.  This is what my main page looks like at this moment.  

Creating my final advert.

 To begin with, I had to sketch out an idea of an advertisement i want to create, Im thinking making campaign advertisement to increase use of the bicycle, I called it 'Bicycle for nature' I sketch out a bike, in some sort of urban background, and car parked in the back to show that they should stay parked.  Next, I went on and looked for a free to use picture i could use for this advertisement. Lucky enough  I found a picture by Mark de Rooij.  Picture by Mark de Rooij As well I had to create a logo for my campaign. I used website I typed in my campaign name' bicycle for nature' and chose one of the premade logos that seem to fit.  Next, I went to Pixlr and opened both picture and logo I downloaded from and I also applied filter caller vignette  Then, I selected the logo and chose the option to copy it, next I pasted it onto the main picture and placed it on the top left corner. Also,

More research on advertising

 When creating an advertisement is very important to consider a few things. For example, each advertisement must make a proposition to the consumer-not just words, product puffery, or show-window advertising. Each advertisement must say to each reader: " buy this product, for this specific benefit". The proposition must be one the competition cannot or does not offer. It must be unique-either in the brand or in a claim the rest of that particular advertising area does not make. The proposition must be strong enough to make the masses, i.e.., attract new customers as well as potential customers.  Here are some examples of advertising that I wound interesting.  Heinz Ketchup advert Heinz Ketchup "No one grows Ketchup like Heinz" Its a simple creative advertisement that serves to promote their tomato ketchup as being totally full of tomato and nothing else. Buy building the familiar shape of a Heinz ketchup from slices of tomato, they are making the suggestion that the

More reseatch! (sequential photography )

I decided to do a little bit more research on sequential photography.  I was looking for sequential photography works and the internet to help me build a clear image of this concept.  I came across the works of Kim Taylor. Using a special photographic technique that's catches everything from the beat of a bird's wing to the flick of a squirrel's tail as it leaps through the air, Kim Taylor's stunning photos of an animal's ability to move from one place to another, also known as locomotion is shown in awesome detail. Here are some of her works.  Although I don't have the equipment to make anything like this these photographs still fascinate me. Clarity of a movement makes these pictures come to life.  Another artist I came across is Alexis Hunter. Alexis Hunter was born in 1948 in New Zealand. She obtained an honors degree in painting and History of Art and Architecture at the Elam School of Fine Art in 1969. Her Narrative sequences were devised as an interventio

SMART Ideas generation

  For this Literature project in my digital arts class, I want to write a short story about a man struggling to keep himself warm.  Both physically and mentally. Possibly a tragedy. I'm thinking about 2000 words long or just a little bit under. It just happened to be that a couple weeks ago my boiler broke, therefore, I had two weeks of research on this topic. I will use my experience to design the protagonist of the story as I can still feel my body shiver. I might use a plot structure called ''In medias res'', I'm going to jump straight into the action, let's say the story will take place on the 7th day of 14 days in the cold. Nightgowns and apathy. Possibly leaning towards emotional disruption, loneliness. I will write the first draft by hand and then upload it to my laptop using Microsoft word to work on it further.  A bit more of research on other writers work that carries a similar idea.  No Door by Thomas Wolfe ''A man talks about how he has s

Major project and generating ideas

    In todays class we were introduced to our major projects.  I used milanote to create my note board.  Since I'm on the way to be literature student I chose to write a short story.  I don't a little bit of research regarding plot structure of a short story and tips how to improve them. I'm still struggling with a idea of it. I was out of hot water and heating almost two weeks(it got fixed yesterday) so im thinking to reflect on struggle and inner agony coused by it.  refrecnes:

Creating advert in class

In today's class, we learned to make adverts. First things first I had to come up with the idea for an advertisement. I thought of zero waste so decided to make a campaign poster against pollution. To find a picture I used a website called ''unslashed''. I chose a picture of a stork in the middle of the trash pile as it upsets me and I believe will upset others and this is exactly what I went for - remorse. I created a white HD canvas on pixlr and uploaded a picture of a stork. I had to copy it and paste it on the main canvas.   Then I cropped the bottom out to make it look like a polaroid picture. Also, I used a vignette as a filter and reduced brightness by 10%. It was time for my logo. I used to create my logo for the campaign.  I chose the second one from the first row, a tiny leave in between the words.  I added the campaigns logo and the message " THINK GREEN - RECYCLE'' In addition next to a logo, I wrote the slogan 'o

Deeper look at advertising

    New week new topic -Advertising. In todays class, we took a deeper look at advertising. What is advertising? It's all around us, we see hundreds of adverts a day on our social media pages, in newspapers, bus stops, on buses them selfs its everywhere. T he techniques and practices used to bring products, services, opinions, or causes to public notice for the purpose of persuading the public to respond in a certain way toward what is advertised. Most advertising involves promoting a good that is for sale, but similar methods are used to encourage people to drive safely, to support various charities, or to vote for political candidates, among many other examples. In many countries advertising is the most important source of income for the media (e.g.,  newspapers ,  magazines , or  television stations ) through which it is conducted. In the noncommunist world advertising has become a large and important  service industry .( Britannica) Here are some examples of old adverts.      

Blog Buddy

     In todays class we were assigned blog buddies and here is mine,  Antonio Martinho Simao    Antonio enjoys all sorts of new experiences and meeting new people. Gym is his best friend and his life goal is to help everyone so that we could make this world a better place. 

Pics&Bits and Final work

         It's time, I have google pixel 4a in my hand and this is what I'm going to use for my pictures. To set a composition  I had to awaken hipster in me, Gigi and a cat by Colette, a double shot of espresso, and obviously a hand-rolled cigarette with an ashtray. I wanted to set some sort of  Parisian mood with a gentle vibration of loneliness and I think I'm pretty close. I'm not really changing any settings on my camera as I'm perfectly fine with auto settings the only thing that I'm going to do is apply different filters while taking pictures so I could play a little bit with colors.   As for lighting, I'm happy with the natural light I get in my room although I had to move everything next to my balcony to get as much light exposure as possible.     I made a collage out of all pictures I took. I used quite a few different filters on most of them, vivid, palma, metro, eiffel, and modena. To make a collage I used a photo editor called PhotoPad. Finally,

Very First Attempt and Ananas

  In todays lecture we attempted sequential photograpgy for a very fist time. We were given 20 minutes to catch a sequence with our mobile phones to gain understanding of how it works.     As I wander around my apartment looking for a muse this pineapple caught my eye and turn out to be one refreshing sequence       I took these pictures in broad daylight just next to a balcony. I don't own a camera so I used my phone google pixel 4a. I haven't really change any settings as I was perfectly happy with an auto mode on my phone.                  

Sequential Photography

 Today in my Digital Arts group we started learning about sequential photography which is a form of time-lapse photography used to create a serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or recurrent patter.                                                                                    The horse in motion by Eadweard Muybridge        The horse in motion was made by Eadweard Muybridge for one simple reason to settle a old argument if a horse lifts all of its feet of the ground at any point but E.Muybridge did more than that  not only did he proved that a horse indeed lifts all of its feet of the ground while running but also he started a new medium and industry. ( )    Without a doubt, this was the beginning of a revolution starting a new spiral in the art world, for ever-changing the way we see photography all thanks to Eadweard Muybridge and a bet that gave a push to his breakthrough.    Duane Michals was another great artist working with  sequences for whic

Welcome to a New Term

 Welcome to the new term at DMUIC. I'm a media student studying IYZ media at DMUIC.  I am going to study English Literature as I  fell in love with books as long as I can remember.  One of my great inspirations is Jack Kerouac (1922-1969) he lived his live with out a fear, simply on his own terms.                                                                                                                                    Jack Kerouac               More than a mere literary movement, the Beat generation was a revolution. In the 1940s and 1950s, Jack Kerouac found it hard to find his place in the world He hated all traditional values, and the consumerist society in which he lived, as well as the social pressure that op dressed it. It was in this environment that he founded the Beat Generation. ( Vogue France )         His strength to live to put himself out there to do whatever he laid his hands-on, becoming a founding father of beat generation without any intention to do so but