More research on advertising

 When creating an advertisement is very important to consider a few things. For example, each advertisement must make a proposition to the consumer-not just words, product puffery, or show-window advertising. Each advertisement must say to each reader: " buy this product, for this specific benefit". The proposition must be one the competition cannot or does not offer. It must be unique-either in the brand or in a claim the rest of that particular advertising area does not make. The proposition must be strong enough to make the masses, i.e.., attract new customers as well as potential customers. 

Here are some examples of advertising that I wound interesting. 

Heinz Ketchup
"No one grows Ketchup like Heinz"
Its a simple creative advertisement that serves to promote their tomato ketchup as being totally full of tomato and nothing else. Buy building the familiar shape of a Heinz ketchup from slices of tomato, they are making the suggestion that the product is pure tomato, ripe, organic, And therefore perfect.


Chupa Chups

It's sugar-free.

Chupa Chups has a great reputation for tongue in cheek advertising and this one is no different. To promote the sugar-free aspect of the product, and with an image of the lolly on the ground, they have made the suggestion that it is so good for you that ants won't touch it.



  1. You need to add source urls under your images and as research you have not said much here - you need to really analyse these adverts in depth and look at more research to discuss how advertising works


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