
Showing posts from April, 2021

Smart Objective

It's about time to start working on my short story. For our project sign-offs next week we were asked to create a smart objective for our main project. Smart Objective  I will write a short story based on my experiences with alcoholism growing up in a small village. I will write it using Word Office, and turn it into a flipbook using Yumpu. I will write in the first personand and it will be aimed at, university students, young adults, people between 16 and 25 years old.  I want to write about addiction’s damage, both external and internal; about a vicious cycle of self-harm. Family relationships, love, hate, and death. As my research, I will be looking into authors such as Anton Chekhov and F. Scott Fitzgerald as they wrote on similar themes.  I will finish writing my first draft by the end of April and start editing and re-drafting. The manuscript will be finished by the end of May. 

Infograph for my short story ideas.

For today's task, we had to create an infographic for our three ideas. Using piktochart I created a simple infographic presenting my three ideas for a short story. you can see it by pressing here .

Idea for a major project.

 For my 'media project 2' module, I want to explore theme of addiction. Addiction has many sides; different causes and effects. According to Borole (2021), it pertains to a compulsive act, thought or behavior repeated for the harmful yet gratifying reward. As a person gets addicted to a substance or a behavior, the brain access the pleasure from that it again and again. This happens due to intense stimulation of the reward system in the brain. Addiction affects your mind and body as well as social standing. People who suffer from addiction are usually labeled 'junkeys' or they are seen as no good. Rarely do people wonder why did a person go down the path of self-destruction.  'An addiction can be a way of blocking out difficult issues. Unemployment nad poverty can trigger addiction, along with stress and emotional or professional pressure'  (Addiction: what is it?, 2021) Not only does addiction have an effect on the person who is suffering from it but also, on h

3 amazing ideas

 It is time to start thinking about my new project for the 'media project 2' module. as an exercise, we were asked to come up with three amazing ideas for our final project. I'm planning to write a short story so my ideas will be themes for a story.  1. Jealousy.                                                                                       Jealousy and Flirtation by King, Haynes (1831-1904) I always find the theme of jealousy interesting. Not only because it's a very giving theme, as non of us are foreign to this emotion. I felt it and I certain that everyone felt it at some point in their lives. As I trying to understand my feelings I think it would be a great topic to explore not only to learn a bit about myself but also how to deal with this completely irrational emotion.  2. Euthanasia.                                                                             Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash    Another idea that from time to time wonders in my mind is eut


 In today's lecture, we did a fun exercise to get our rusty minds started. We were given a prompt to imagine ourselves as machines or appliances. Then we had to draw it and write on why we feel that way.  I came up with the idea of a camera as I indeed like to observe the world and its fragments.  Below is an image I drew and a text to go along with it.  I'm a camera. Often I need to focus in order to see clearly. The world around me never loses its motion, inevitably accelerating - never stopping. It gets blurry, hard to see, to understand as details jump and change in a fraction of the second. As I flash my light, As I stop the motion, I can only then take a step back, breath in, reflect, and observe this obscure world frame by frame, hoping that there is still some space left in the SD.

Welcome to new term.

 In this term, I am starting a new module called 'Media project 2'. I this module, as one before, I will be working on two projects; an essay and a portfolio project.  As before I will be exploring new ideas and artists to improve my own work.  First of all, I would like to talk a little bit about one of the writers that inspire me, Franz Kafka. Recently, I laid my hands on his book called 'The Trial'. Even though I read it a few years back I feel like it's a book worth reading thousand times.  It cant be difficult to understand his stories just in one reading. 'Kafka's writing style seems simple and straightforward but it;s full of philosophizing about the absurdity of life' (Kafka's Writing Style, 2021)                                                                                Photo of   Franz Kafka 'Franz Kafka (July 3, 1883-June 3, 1924) was a Czech novelist and short-story writer, widely considered one of the most important literary figu