Welcome to new term.

 In this term, I am starting a new module called 'Media project 2'. I this module, as one before, I will be working on two projects; an essay and a portfolio project.  As before I will be exploring new ideas and artists to improve my own work.

 First of all, I would like to talk a little bit about one of the writers that inspire me, Franz Kafka. Recently, I laid my hands on his book called 'The Trial'. Even though I read it a few years back I feel like it's a book worth reading thousand times.

 It cant be difficult to understand his stories just in one reading. 'Kafka's writing style seems simple and straightforward but it;s full of philosophizing about the absurdity of life' (Kafka's Writing Style, 2021) 

                                                                              Photo of  Franz Kafka

'Franz Kafka (July 3, 1883-June 3, 1924) was a Czech novelist and short-story writer, widely considered one of the most important literary figures of the 20th century. Kafka was a natural writer, though he worked as a lawyer, had his literary merit went largely unrecognized during his short lifetime. He submitted just a few of his pieces for publication, and most of his know oeuvre was published posthumously by his friend, Max Brod. Kafka's life was marked by intense anxiety and self-doubt, which he ascribed in particular to his father's overbearing nature.'(Rockefeller, 2020)

Reading Kafka's stories is a marvelous reading experience as it drags you in completely. Reading 'The trial' I lived through every scene he wrote; I could smell it, hear it, see it. 
During this term, I would like to give my writing a more dimensional feel and focus on learning different literary devices to make fiction feel more real. 


Decipheringkafka. 2021. Kafka’s Writing Style. [online] Available at: <https://decipheringkafka.wordpress.com/kafkas-writing-style/> [Accessed 13 April 2021].

Rockefeller, L., 2020. Biography of Franz Kafka, Czech Novelist. [online] ThoughtCo. Available at: <https://www.thoughtco.com/biography-of-franz-kafka-czech-writer-4800358> [Accessed 13 April 2021].


  1. This is a good blog post. Just always try to include the year the picture is from in your source (in brackets).


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