3 amazing ideas

 It is time to start thinking about my new project for the 'media project 2' module. as an exercise, we were asked to come up with three amazing ideas for our final project. I'm planning to write a short story so my ideas will be themes for a story. 

1. Jealousy.

                                                                                     Jealousy and Flirtation by King, Haynes (1831-1904)

I always find the theme of jealousy interesting. Not only because it's a very giving theme, as non of us are foreign to this emotion. I felt it and I certain that everyone felt it at some point in their lives. As I trying to understand my feelings I think it would be a great topic to explore not only to learn a bit about myself but also how to deal with this completely irrational emotion. 

2. Euthanasia. 

                                                                          Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash   

Another idea that from time to time wonders in my mind is euthanasia. Now that's a very interesting topic as this is a big moral question. Can you end someone's life to end their suffering? can you chose to die? after all Stoics said that there is no shame in that, we chose the way to live so perhaps if we are free to live we are also free to end our lives? Or imagine having to choose your relative's fate? are you going to let your loved one suffer, are you going to ruin your life over something potentially dead? Or you chose to free them by flicking the switch? 

3. Addiction.
                                                                        Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash
The third idea I have for my short story is a theme of addiction. I do have a very addictive personality so this topic is close to my heart. What also interesting that people tend to be addicted to more things than alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes. It could be love, or chocolate, sex, or video games. I find it interesting why is that that people could become obsessed with certain things and I would like to research reasons for that and how it affects our mentality. 



King, H., 1874. Jealousy and Flirtation. [Oil on canvas]



  1. 3 strong ideas for themes for short stories. Would they be narrative pieces though? Character driven? You haven't really given an indication of how the short story would be presented. First person narration? The more information you can give the better!


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