
Development of my project

With the deadline just around the corner I finished drafting and ready to submit the project I was carrying out throughout the media 2 module. While redrafting for the last time, I aimed to get rid of unnecessary words and sentences in order to control the tone throughout my work. I also looked at minimalism as a literary device.  'Minimum is both an ending and a beginning, the terminus of patient processes of simplification reduction, exposition, intensification and clarification.' (Botha, 2017)   Will You Please Be Quiet,Please? (Carver, 2014),                                        What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (Carver, 2009)    Also, while working on my story I was reading two short story collections written by Raymond Carver: Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? and What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. Reading these collections greatly informed me of Raymond Carver's work and gave me inspiration when editing my own work. I was interested by minimalism

Development Of My Project.

  It's almost time to submit our projects. For a final draft I looked into minimalism in literature and tried to apply it to my own writing.                                                                      Photo by Emile Seguin  ' Minimalism, in essence, is describing the most, in the least words possible. The art of literary minimalism seeded around 1960s and 1970s, a result of the then ongoing meta-fiction trend. There are some beliefs that minimalism in prose was actually initiated by the 1940s crime-fiction writers like James M. Cain, the writings of whom were imbued with the least of words and yet put forth a description of many. However, literary minimalism was brought to center-stage (this is the general agreement by most, if not all) through the guiding hands of authors such as Ernest Hemingway (his collection of short-stories and works earlier than the 70s), Raymond Carver, Ann Beattie and many more around the 1970s.'    (Literary Minimalism: A Brief Overview o

Testing User Experience.

 Today we are testing our websites. To help each other out we were asked to partner with our classmates and look at one another website. I'm going to be testing Magdalena's website and give her eedback on this post.  The home page looks and clean although it's a bit boring as it only contains picture of her and the menu buttons.  Moving on to the 'about me' page. In my opinion, the picture could be more professional although the 'about me' text is fantastic and playful, I love how it's written in the third person.  The portfolio page looks a bit undeveloped although once I clicked on her projects, I can see the description and project itself and everything looks fine. perhaps a more detailed description of the project would help? Contact page looks nice and clean. 

Researching demographics for my story.

In our media 2 modules, we were introduced to target demographics. Considering the fact that the ability to target the right demographics plays a massive role in the success of one's carrier, I will outline my own target audience.  According to what we learned in class it's important to consider the following: Demographics, Sociographics, Psychographics, Geographics, and Behaviours. To better understand my target audience I did a bit more research on my own. According to Sitar (2019), it's important to think about how my stories or ideas will resonate with the life of the reader and what are they looking for. Also, Reedsyblog (2016), suggests that there is a great chance that my reader will be similar to me. Therefore it is important to think about myself when I think of my target audience.   Using Canva, I outlined the demographics of my target audience (see below), In later posts, I will try to consider Sociographics and so on. References: Sitar, D., 2019.  Who Is Your Ta

Customer profile on venngage

 We were introduced to customer profiling for our projects and future carriers. As I'm seeking to be a writer I made a customer profile regarding shorts stories. Below is a profile of my friend Nick who loves reading books, especially short stories. By pressing on the image below you can access it on Venngage.

Development of my project.

 As we get closer to the submission deadline for our final project I started redrafting my short story. I just finished my second draft and I want to share it with you. The story still needs a bit of work till it's ready for submission but it's coming together. For my second draft, I took a closer look into the world use and sentence structures although it's hard as I'm writing in a second language I can say that I'm getting a bit happier with my writing.  I looked at 'The elements of style' by William Strunk Jr. It has some great tips on writing and also consists of grammar rules and guidences. For my second draft, I looked at rule number 13. Omit needless words. 'Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short or, that he

Software testing (Biteable)

 I created a video resume, using 'biteable' that looks professional and highlights my skills. You can see it below.