
Showing posts from June, 2021

Development of my project

With the deadline just around the corner I finished drafting and ready to submit the project I was carrying out throughout the media 2 module. While redrafting for the last time, I aimed to get rid of unnecessary words and sentences in order to control the tone throughout my work. I also looked at minimalism as a literary device.  'Minimum is both an ending and a beginning, the terminus of patient processes of simplification reduction, exposition, intensification and clarification.' (Botha, 2017)   Will You Please Be Quiet,Please? (Carver, 2014),                                        What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (Carver, 2009)    Also, while working on my story I was reading two short story collections written by Raymond Carver: Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? and What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. Reading these collections greatly informed me of Raymond Carver's work and gave me inspiration when editing my own work. I was interested by minimalism

Development Of My Project.

  It's almost time to submit our projects. For a final draft I looked into minimalism in literature and tried to apply it to my own writing.                                                                      Photo by Emile Seguin  ' Minimalism, in essence, is describing the most, in the least words possible. The art of literary minimalism seeded around 1960s and 1970s, a result of the then ongoing meta-fiction trend. There are some beliefs that minimalism in prose was actually initiated by the 1940s crime-fiction writers like James M. Cain, the writings of whom were imbued with the least of words and yet put forth a description of many. However, literary minimalism was brought to center-stage (this is the general agreement by most, if not all) through the guiding hands of authors such as Ernest Hemingway (his collection of short-stories and works earlier than the 70s), Raymond Carver, Ann Beattie and many more around the 1970s.'    (Literary Minimalism: A Brief Overview o