
Showing posts from February, 2021

Software And Digital Skills

  As the deadline for my major project is not too far Its time to think about the software I'm going to use to give my Story a form. Last year I used a Word Office to write my story, then I used lucidpress to give turn it into PDF so I could finally make it into a flipbook using Yumpu. I will use the same tools this term as I found them relatively easy to use and I don't really think any extra software I would need to finalize my peace.  I haven't really used any digital software before starting this crouse so I feel like I learn quite a lot and it will definitely be useful in the future. Besides the software listed above, I also learned how to use applications such as Pixlr and Canva. There is definitely a lot to learn until I will feel comfortable using all of the software mentioned above but I have a solid understanding of it to improve my work. 

Project Progress: School Lunches

  As I carry on working on the final project I had to do some research, especially towards authors who write for young people. I looked into Michael Morpurgo. ''Unlike many of today's authors for young people, Morpurgo rarely features contemporary family issues such as divorce, inadequate parents or urban social problems. Instead, many of his books have historical and rural settings, and he uses his gift for telling enchanting stories to explore timeless virtues'' (Elizabeth O'Reilly, 2009) I think I too want to explore virtues and even moral dilemmas as I believe they are inspiring and capable of healing, although I would like to use more accurate settings for today's youth. For this reason, my story will be set in a School.  Here is an opening paragraph from my first draft of a story I'm writing. ''The clock, just a foot above a rusty chesnut chalkboard, was where all of our concern was aimed. Seconds hand so dangerously climbing up the dial to

Project Sign Off

 I finally signed off my project with a tutor. Everything went well although I have to think more about my audience. Also, I need to look into few other writers who focus on teenage fiction.  Here  you can see my sign off sheet.